Haemin Go / Tuesday, August 3, 2021 / Categories: Podcast, ED First Patient Contact, Care Team, EM, Neuro, Nursing, Pharm, Stroke Team, Time From Stroke, 01_< 6 hrs, 02_6-24 hrs, 03_>24 hrs, Topics, Stroke Scales, Types Of Content, Podcast, Testing, Triage & Disability Assessment, Care Team, EM, Neuro, Nursing, Stroke Team, Time From Stroke, 01_< 6 hrs, 02_6-24 hrs, 03_>24 hrs, Topics, Controversies, Stroke Scores, Types Of Content, Podcast, Imaging & Diagnostics, Care Team, EM, Neuro, Time From Stroke, 01_< 6 hrs, 02_6-24 hrs, 03_>24 hrs, Topics, Controversies, Types of Content, Podcast, ICU & Critical Care, Care Team, Critical Care, Hosp Med, Neuro, Stroke Team, Diagnosis, IS, Topics, Bleeding, Controversies, Recovery, Types of Content, Podcast, Post-ICU Care, Care Team, Neuro, Nursing, Pharm, Topics, Anti-coag, Controversies, Monitoring, Secondary Prevention, Recovery, Types of Content, Podcast, Post-Acute, Rehabilitation & Outpatient, Care Team, Neuro, Nursing, Topics, Controversies, Secondary Prevention, Types of Content, Podcast, Content Types, Podcast What Is the Clinical Impact of the Genetic Polymorphism Observed with the Effectiveness of some P2Y12 Inhibitors? Moderator:W. Brian Gibler, MD FACEP, FACC, FAHA Other Participants: Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH and Natalie Kreitzer, MD, MS Role of genetic polymorphism in TIA and stroke is and has been controversial, since the initial introduction of clopidogrel. Hear Drs. Bhatt and Kreitzer discuss the basics and background associated with the metabolism of the various agents, where we have come, the management of ACSand also for acute ischemic stroke, the role of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT), pivotal trials such as THALES, PIVOT, and THEMIS, and the importance of closely monitoring for a recurrent stroke, which happens with high frequency within the 1st month post a stroke. Previous Article Pitfalls in CTP: Why CTP Isn’t Always the Holy Grail in Acute Stroke Imaging Next Article How Do You Operationalize the Use of the ASPECTS Score and Is It the Poor Man’s CTP? Print 10114 Rate this article: No rating Please login or register to post comments.